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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Emsam; An Anti depressant which is applied as a patch. Part 2

Emsam patch is changed once daily at the same time. The patch does tend to get stick to the skin rather firmly and most people need to apply an adhesive remover or mineral oil to get it off. The new patch should always be rotated a new skin site. Once the patch is applied firm pressure with the palm should be applied for a few seconds to ensure proper contact with skin. Emsam comes in various doses and it is recommended that depressed patients start with the 6mg/24 hr formula. At this does level there are no dietary restrictions. However, if the higher doses of 9 and 12 mg are used every 24 hrs, dietary restrictions do apply.

So does Emsam work?

Several studies have shown that compared to placebo, Emsam is a superior anti depressant. At present Emsam is used to treat clinical depression and has even been found to be useful in patients who have failed to respond to other SSRI and tricyclic anti depressants. The most common side effect is at the application site and is redness caused by the adhesive tape. Other rare side effects include headache, lack of sleep, diarrhea dry mouth, and gastric upset. These side effects occur in less than 5-10 percent of individuals. There are a whole list of drugs which cannot be taken while taking Emsam and the list is no different when one takes the other anti depressants.

Emsam has been on the market for only 2 years to treat depression but the results indicate that it does help some individuals who have failed to respond to other anti depressants. So far it has remained a decent drug with not as many side effects as the tricyclics. Furthermore, weight gain has not been a problem with this agent. How long it will continue to work in depressed patients remains to be seen.

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