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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Bitter orange and weight loss

Can one lose weight with Bitter orange?

Many people are buying bitter orange in bulk in the hope that it can help with weight loss. Bitter orange (citrus aurantium) has been in the news ever since ephedra was taken off the market for health concerns.

People who take bitter orange claim that is it a great alternative to ephedra and works well for weight loss; however, there is no clear evidence that it does in fact reduce weight.

Recent studies indicate that while bitter orange may work in a few individuals, it is also associated with similar side effects like ephedra. Extracts of the bitter orange plant have revealed two potent chemicals called synephrine and octopamine. Both these compounds are very similar in their activity to ephedrine in ephedra.

Experts claim that excess ingestion of these substances can increase blood pressure, alter heart rate and rhythm and can even induce heart attacks, strokes and even sudden death.

More over bitter orange can also interfere with many pharmaceutical drugs leading to adverse side effects.

The problem with bitter orange is that it is listed as a health food supplement and does not undergo the rigorous testing that is required of pharmaceutical drugs. Further, many potent and toxic substances found in the product are not even listed on the label. For this reason, many people who take bitter orange are prone to developing side effects and dangerous complications. Individuals who have heart disease, high blood pressure or problems with their heart rate should avoid bitter orange. While some individuals may lose weight with bitter orange this is not a universal finding. The best and surest way to lose weight is to eat less and walk more. This may not sound too appealing but it definitely works and is a lot cheaper than any health supplement.

Butt lift or butt implant?

Is the butt lift procedure the same as butt implant surgery?

No, the butt lift procedure is like a breast lift. The surgeon lifts and tightens up the skin around your buttocks. The excess skin is removed and the deeper tissues are adjusted so your buttocks look tight, sexy, and curvaceous. In addition, the surgeon will ensure that the bottoms match the upper body in size and shape. With a buttock implant, various prosthetic materials are inserted into the butocks to make then bigger, like in breast augmentation.

Another option to Butt lift surgery

Is there any alternative to butt lift surgery?

Sure, there is a great alternative. For most people, the butt is the last thing one looks at every morning. The majority of people want their face, hair, and waist to look great. If you have the money, then you may undergo this surgery. But if you do not have money and your butt is bothering you too much, then perhaps you should take some Prozac. This is cheaper and safer than a butt lift procedure.

Cost of Butt lift surgery

What is cost of butt lift procedure?

It depends on where you live and who does it. However, rest assured, it is not cheap. The average cost of butt lift surgery is about $ 8,000. Of course, some high-end surgeons charge $15,000 or more. Surgery is usually more expensive on the East and West coast, and slightly cheaper if you live in central or southern part of the country. Do not forget, plastic surgeons are like the airline industry. They tend to jack up the prices for blood work; anesthesia, consultation, hospital fees, and medications- so do ask and get in writing what is the final cost. Butt lift surgery is a lot cheaper in south and central america, but if there is a screw up, you are in big shit (PS-screw ups in plastic surgery are very common-just read the news)

Liposuction on buttocks

Can liposuction be performed on the buttocks?

If you pay a plastic surgeon money, he/she will perform liposuction anywhere on your body. Sure, liposuction can be used to remove small pockets of fat and reshape the buttocks. However, this is not a permanent treatment and the fat pockets will come back. Liposuction on the buttocks is done just underneath the skin because there are large nerves running deep down. Injury to the sciatic nerve can be a painful problem for life.

Butt lift surgery and weight loss

Can a buttock lift procedure help me lose weight?

No this surgery will do no such thing. If you are overweight, then I suggest you lose weight before the butt lift procedure. If not, the surgery will not make any difference to the shape and contour of your buttocks. In fact after surgery, if you gain any weight, you will be back to square one.

Butt lift surgery in an asian

I am an Asian female and would like to undergo a butt lift. What do you recommend?

In general, Asians and Africans tend to form keloids, which look ugly and hideous. If you are prone to scar formation, I suggest you not undergo this surgery or any other cosmetic procedure. If you think your buttocks are bad now, they will look a million times worse with the keloids.

If you have experienced healing problems with any past surgical treatments or if you are prone to keloid (red, angry, raised) scars, your surgeon may not recommend a buttock lift or may advise you that scars could be raised and very visible. Do not listen to any BS from a surgeon who says he/she can treat keloids-there is no suitable for keloids and they will make you look terrible.

Butt Lift Surgery

How are the results after butt lift surgery?

The procedure is relatively new and outcomes do vary. While some people have had good results, there are plenty who have had abysmal results. For those who are not satisfied with their butt and want something done, I would suggest try something like exercise and losing weight. Surgery is not the panacea for everything. More often than not, you will be disappointed with surgery. Plastic surgeons often make big promises but more often then not, fail to deliver- like car mechanics.

Vasectomy reversal

I had a vasectomy many years ago and would like it reversed. Does the procedure work?

First, all men who decide to undergo a vasectomy should think about it for a long time. The procedure is almost impossible to reverse. Surgeons always mention statistics about their success rates of reversal, but most are full of shit. Vasectomy reversal is successful in less than 5% of men, and even when success occurs, it is pure luck more than any technical skill. Moreover, not all surgeons can do this type of surgery. 

Finally, vasectomy reversal is also very expensive and there is no guarantee it will work. So if you do not have the money, I would not recommend wasting it on a dubious procedure with very little success rate. If you have the money, go on a vacation with your spouse or pay off your home.

Body fat analyzers

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Do body fat analyzers work?

In simple- they are useless piece of junk. My best advice is stop wasting your money on measurement of body fat with these portable devices. The doctors are in this business to make money of gullible and stupid people. The information derived from these machine is useless and only of academic interest. The devices also cost a lot of money. In medicine, we have doctors performing many unnecessary tests and this is one of them. Save your money from this BS medical test- there is ZERO need for fat analysis. If you are fat or obese and cannot look at your self in the mirror and determine if you are fat, you need to see a psychiatrist and/or an ophthalmologist.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sex and oral herpes sores

If I have a herpes sore on my lips, is there anything I can take to prevent it from transferring to my girlfriend?

No, there is nothing you take but you sure can abstain from sex for a few days. When you have an active herpetic lesion, the chances of transmission are very high. Your girlfriend will not be happy if you give her this “great” present. There are anti-herpes medications but they do not prevent transmission of the virus.

Herpes sore and sex

Can a herpes sore on the lips spread during sex?

You bet your life, it can spread. The Herpes virus loves sex organs just as much as people do. So if you have a herpes lesion on your lips, it can spread to her mouth, or it can even spread to her vagina. It used to be believed that only genital herpes spreads during sex. This is no longer true. Now, it is known that the cold sore virus causes almost half of the lesions on the vagina and penis. Therefore, if you have a cold sore on your mouth, I suggest you do not kiss or offer oral sex.

Oral herpes and birth control pill

I have had oral herpes for many years but recently my outbreaks have increased in frequency. I was recently started on the birth control pill. Can that have anything to do with it?

Maybe. Herpes lesions are a real pain in the A..e. The pain is excruciating and nothing seems to work. In your case, if nothing in your life has changed and now the outbreaks of herpes are increased- I would think that the pill might have something to do with it. It is well known that changes in the sex hormones-estrogen and progesterone can affect herpes reactivation.

Best advice- if you do not need the pill, stop it, and use another form of contraception. If you really need the pill, then you are stuck. I think you may need to go through several types of pills to determine which does not trigger the herpes virus. Good luck.

Genital herpes and GF

My boyfriend had genital herpes but never told me. Now I have some painful lesions on my vagina. Do you think I got them from him?

Most definitely. He should have told you because now you have a lifelong infection. Genital herpes is very painful and makes life miserable. I definitely recommend that you both go to an STD clinic and get treated. Just one person getting treated is not good enough as the infection will keep on being transmitted. Genital herpes takes the fun out of sex. The only question for you is to find out how he got it and when. Then you can decide to stay with him or dump him. I can even tell you that there are also legal ramifications about partner notification when one has an STD.

Oral herpes and sex

I have oral herpes but it is not active any more. Can I transfer it to my partner?

We do know that when you have symptoms, the virus is active. In such cases, the chances of transmission are very high. When you have no lesions and no symptoms, chances of transmission are very low. However, I should warn you that many people with herpes have no symptoms and can still transmit the infection to their partners. You can wear a plastic bag over your face and a condom; this is still not foolproof against transmission of the herpes virus. Best advice- tell your partner about the herpes and let him/her decide if they want to participate in sex with you. Abstain from sex when you have symptoms.

One night stand and STD

Recently I had a one-night stand at a party with an unknown female. Within 8 hours, I noticed that my penis was red and painful. Do I have an STD?

Most unlikely. STDs do not develop within 12 hours of sexual intercourse. If you used a condom, it may be an allergic reaction. I have no idea but I can assure that the chance of any type of STD is very rare in such a short time interval. Wait for a few days and see what happens. My feeling is that you are just a ted bit too paranoid.

Transmitting oral thrush during sex

Can oral thrush be transmitted to my partner during sex?

When you have active thrush with the whitish lesions in your mouth, it means you have an active infection. In healthy people, it is unlikely that you can transmit oral thrush by kissing or during sex. If you have oral thrush, you should first find out why you have this infection instead of worrying about sex. It is not common for healthy people to have oral thrush. Vaginal thrush is quite common in healthy females. Vaginal  thrush is not a sexually transmitted disorder and unlikely to be passed to the partner.

Vasectomy and libido

Can a vasectomy affect my sex drive?

No, very unlikely. Millions of men have had vasectomy and loss of sex drive is not a reported complication. If you have had a vasectomy and have loss of libido, the problem could be psychogenic. I suggest you see your doctor and ensure that your testosterone levels are normal. If they are normal, the next step is to see a sex therapist to determine what is causing the problem.  Sex therapists have been around for decades but many have now established practices- these professionals will listen to your BS (because you pay them hundreds of dollars) and offer more BS advice. I personally feel that sex therapists are nothing more than con-artists. Some appear on TV on a regular basis and offer crap advice which costs hundreds of dollars. Unless your doctor mucked around with your testes, vasectomy has not been linked to low sex drive.

No interest in Sex

I am a 27 year old male and have no interest in sex. Is this normal?

Sure, there are some men, a minority, who live a good quality of life and yet have no desire for sex. Completely normal. I would not give it a second thought if it did not bother you.  You do not need counseling, you do not need medications and you certainly do not need to speak to a sex therapist. Just continue on with your life. If you are content, then it is not a big deal. The same applies to women. The exact statistics about low libido is not known, because people do not go on bragging about low sex drive.

Pill for multiple orgasms

I am a 29 year old male and after having one good orgasm I am not able to achieve another erection. My GF wants me to go on for a few times as she is usually not satisfied. Is there a pill I can take?

Only on TV  do men have multiple orgasms in succession. In reality, most men have one good orgasm, ejaculate, are satisfied and want to go to sleep or watch TV. Women are different-they can have multiple orgasms in succession. As far as a pill is concerned to boost your orgasms, I would suggest Viagra or cialis. The other way of prolonging sex is not to ejaculate until your GF is completely satisfied. There is no easy answer to this, as men are not equipped for multiple orgasms after ejaculation-this only happens in porno movies.

Blood pressure medication and erection problem

I have high blood pressure and recently was started on a medication. Now I have observed that I am unable to have an erection and my wife appears very upset. Any suggestions?

Unfortunately, there are many blood pressure medications that will decrease the ability to have an erection. The specific drugs are the beta blockers. You may ask your doctor to change the class of drugs and see if that will help. In your case, even taking Viagra will not help. The beta blockers relax the blood vessels and this cannot be reversed with any erection pill. I would suggest asking your doctor for a water pill- they do not affect erections to a significant extent. In the meantime, I would suggest you buy a sex toy to pleasure your wife.

Getting rid of bed bugs

What is the best method of getting rid of bedbugs in my home?

I would recommend heat treatment. For this you will need an exterminator. But first try to get rid of all contaminated clothes, toys and linen. Use industrial strength vacuum to suck up all the areas of the home where you are most likely to see bedbugs. Wash everything that is durable in very hot water. Clean up the home first because these exterminators do not come cheap. There are heat generating machines which you can rent, but you do need to be careful and can’t have children wondering around in the home during the process.

Bedbugs and movies

Is it possible to carry bedbugs home from a movie theater?

The answer is yes, but it is difficult. Bedbugs do lurk in dark warm places and where food is found. These creatures generally do not tag along with you after the movie is over. But there is a possibility that one bedbug may be hidden in your jacket sleeve or your pant pocket. So when you get home, the best thing to do is remove your clothes before you enter the home. Shake and inspect the clothes. If you think there is a bedbug in your clothes, put the clothes in a hot dryer for at least 30 minutes. If you live in cold place like Canada, leave the clothes outside all night- bedbugs do not tolerate the cold well. This may sound like crazy advice, but once you get a bedbug in your home, it will be impossible to get rid of that creature.

Bed bugs

Can bedbugs spread disease?
Bedbugs are like miniature roaches. They have a similar color, and cannot fly. To date bedbugs have not been found to spread disease. They generally bite and cause an itching sensation. Sometimes the bite may initiate an allergic reaction. Children tend to be more sensitive to bedbug bites than adults. While it has not been shown that these creatures can spread disease, there is always a possibility .

Thera patch for low back pain

Does Thera patch work for low back pain?

Thera-patch is widely sold for low back pain and treatment of arthritis. It contains salicylate, camphor and menthol. There are several formulas of this product. Orientals have been using the equivalent of thera-patch for centuries. The paste is applied over the area and immediately produces a cooling effect. The pain relief is mild. I am not sure how it works for low back pain, but you can try it. While working in Thailand, I discovered that thera-patch (called tiger balm) was used to treat every disorder under the sun- and in most cases, it did jack shit.

Soma for back pain

Is Soma available over the counter for back pain?

No soma is a prescription medication. It is heavily abused by patients. There are no muscle relaxants that you can buy over the counter. If you have low back pain, I recommend several things- first avoid all back surgeons, start some form of exercise and lose weight. The majority of cases can be treated this way. The only thing back surgery will do for you is make you more miserable.

Dexilant for reflux

My doctor prescribed me Dexilant for reflux disease. Is there something cheaper I can take?

Sure, doctors have a bad habit of always prescribing newer medications. This is very common among GPs in Canada. The chief reason is that they are courted by drug reps who offer them BS gimmicks and free dinners. There are several generic versions of Proton pump inhibitors available. These are just as effective as any newer PPI. In fact, you can now buy prilosec and prevacid over the counter at 1/4th the price. Remember, newer is not always better. Medicine is a business and just like newer iphones and ipads, newer medications come and go. Most are no more effective than older medications.

Blood clots

I have been told that I have a blood clot in my leg and have been given warfarin. How long should I remain on this medicine?

If you have blood clots in your legs, you need to be on a blood thinner –which is warfarin. It is sold as Coumadin and is an excellent drug for people with blood clots. If blood clots are not treated, they may break off and fly off to the lung. In most cases of a first time blood clot in the leg, you need to take the medication for at least 6 -9 months. Unfortunately, most doctors are clueless about duration of therapy and never discontinue this medication. Patients are often on warfarin for years. The only people who need life long anticoagulation are those who have inherited coagulation disorders. In addition, you need to wear compression stockings for the rest of your life to prevent post phlebitic syndrome.

Friday, September 27, 2013

The safest diabetic drug

Which is the safest drug for diabetes?

All diabetics would like to know which is the safest drug for them. Now there is research showing that diabetic patients who are treated with sulfonylurea drugs other than metformin have a significantly higher mortality.

Glipizide, glimepiride and glyburide were recently compared to metformin in patients with coronary artery disease. The safest drug was metformin and all experts agree that today it should be the first line drug prescribed for type 2 diabetics.

Until recently, all diabetic drugs were all felt to be similar in effectiveness and safety. But now this research reveals otherwise. Metformin is now available as a generic, is very affordable, and is an excellent drug for blood glucose control. However, in patients with coronary disease, glimepiride may be the preferred drug.

Overall, glipizide and glimepiride are preferred over glyburide, but metformin should be the drug of choice in most type 2 diabetics. The other benefit of metformin is that it induces weight loss. The drug has been around for 80 years and withstood the test of time. Remember, none of the newer anti-diabetic drugs is as effective as metformin.

Ozone for back pain

Can ozone treatment help my back pain?

Millions of people suffer from back pain. For many this disorder is disabling, leads to loss of jobs and inability to make a living. There are hundreds of ads for back pain cure, ranging from herbs, medications, manipulation therapy, alternative therapy and surgery. In reality, the majority of these treatments do not work. Moreover, no one responds to the same treatment and the symptoms relief is short term. Almost every week a new treatment is introduced. Now there is another experimental treatment that is being promoted for back pain. It involves spinal injections of ozone gas and corticosteroids.

One recent study showed that this combination did help relieve back pain.
How ozone works is a mystery. Corticosteroids have been used to treat back pain but the results have never been impressive. In fact most patients do not find any major benefit from steroid injections.

The researchers in this study claimed that ozone therapy may help some patients avoid surgery.

However, experts in back pain indicate that ozone is just another scam.
Ozone therapy is widely used in some parts of Europe to treat a variety of disorders including back pain. Unfortunately many of the reports on ozone are case reports and small case studies. Further, the benefits of ozone have not been consistently been seen in all patients and the therapy is not cheap.
For consumers who have back pain, a word of warning- ozone is considered experimental therapy and is not approved by the FDA. In my opinion, it is just one more treatment with a lot of gas but no real science behind it. Leave ozone for the quacks who have money to waste. When it comes to back pain, the only people who benefit are the providers of therapies-the majority of patients continue to suffer.

Tight undies and genitals

I have heard that wearing tight undergarments can be harmful to my genitals. Is this true?

No, this a myth, which was perpetuated in the 60s and 70s when tight bathing trunks, were in fashion. There are some fools who believe that that wearing tight shorts leads to a build up of temperature in the groin that can lead to poor quality semen or sperm. However, there is ZERO evidence showing that men who have worn tight undergarments are sterile. Shit, to keep warm astronauts are sent in space with multilayered tight fitting garments and they come up and still breed like rabbits. Many women wear tight pants and undergarments and are barely able to take them off -and they have no problems with breeding either.

So if you like wearing tight undies, go ahead, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, many women like men wearing such garments. It does tend to amplify your assets well, especially if you got a small dick.

Lice and bed sharing

My niece’s daughter has lice and she often sleeps in the same bed as us. Is there a chance I can acquire these creatures?

Yes, 100% you can be affected. Lice will crawl up to you because they love warm bodies. So if I were you, I would stop sharing the bed until she gets treated. In addition, all the linen has been thoroughly washed in hot water.

High protein diet for weight loss

Can a high protein diet help me lose weight?
Every single week there is a new weight loss diet being touted in the news. Gone are low carbohydrate diets. This year we have high protein diets. And the chief reason why high protein diets have come into vogue is because there is some evidence that perhaps these diets may be better able to satisfy hunger and limit the amount of calories one takes. This eventually results in loss of weight.

In the last decade, some researchers have shown that diets high in protein with low carbohydrates along with a lifestyle of regular exercise can not only reduce weight but also decrease blood cholesterol and help control blood sugars. Moreover, at the same time diminish the hunger pangs.

So far, it is not understood how proteins can decrease appetite. Some researchers believe that the high protein diets signal the brain to receive a lower level of appetite stimulating chemicals.

The current Daily Recommendations for protein range anywhere from 10%-35% of total calories- meaning that for an average adult one can consume anywhere from 45- 200 grams of protein a day. Most Americans have no problem getting this much protein and in fact, get twice that amount daily. The other question being asked is if it possible to eat too much protein and be safe? In general, as long as one does not have kidney disease, there are no dangers to eating a high protein diet.

The majority of individuals obtain their protein from either animal or plant foods. This includes poultry, fish, dairy, cereals, nuts, grains and legumes.

One final word, just eating a high protein diet will not help you lose weight.  There is no diet that alone can help you lose weight by sitting on the couch, except starvation. No matter what diet you choose, you must eat less and walk more. Eating in excess of 2000 calories./day will make you gain weight if you do not exercise. Best advice, all these diet stuff is a bunch of BS. If you want to lose weight, eat less and walk more.

Perlane to erase wrinkles

Is Perlane a good dermal filler for my wrinkles?

Perlane is an old hyaluronic acid dermal filler obtained from non-animal sources. Perlane was first introduced for treatment of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. However, it was soon observed that this dermal filler could also be used to treat mild acne scars and augmentation of lips.

Unlike other dermal fillers, Perlane possess no risk of allergy because it is not derived from animal sources. Perlane also does not have to be tested for allergy prior to injection.

Perlane injections are usually done as an outpatient in a clinic or a spa. The injections only take a few minutes but the procedure is not painless. When injected this dermal filler increases the volume and erases fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Like all dermal fillers, Perlane is not a permanent treatment for wrinkles. The cosmetic benefits of perlane last anywhere from 2-6 months.  Most people require touch ups in the future to maintain the cosmetic benefit. Unfortunately, screws up during the procedure are not uncommon.

Perlane for lip augmentation

Are Perlane injections for lip augmentations worth it?
Perlane injections costs anywhere from $500-$1000 per syringe . The cost varies depending on the surgeon and his/her experience. Before you embark on these injections, please read the online reviews. About 40% have a good result and the 60% have a result that sucks. Common complaints are pain, excess bruising, poor cosmetic result, prolonged pain, keloids and so forth. 
Complications tend to be more common in people with fair skin and smokers. Best advice, if you have no problems how you look like (and do not give a crap what others think), save your money and go for a vacation. If you do not like your wrinkles or lines, try some Prozac-it is a lot cheaper and will make you love yourself.