I have had
oral herpes for many years but recently my outbreaks have increased in
frequency. I was recently started on the birth control pill. Can that have
anything to do with it?
Herpes lesions are a real pain in the A..e. The pain is excruciating and nothing seems to work. In your case, if nothing in
your life has changed and now the outbreaks of herpes are increased- I would
think that the pill might have something to do with it. It is well
known that changes in the sex hormones-estrogen and progesterone can affect
herpes reactivation.
advice- if you do not need the pill, stop it, and use another form of
contraception. If you really need the pill, then you are stuck. I think you may
need to go through several types of pills to determine which does not trigger
the herpes virus. Good luck.