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Saturday, September 14, 2013

PIP Breast implants

If I had my PIP breast implant in Mexico, who will pay for its removal?

Well, you are in big shit. There is a lot of confusion as to who is going to pay for the removal of PIP breast implants done outside the USA. Each country has made their own policy. If you are an American and went abroad for this breast implant, it looks like you will be forced to pay for the removal. However, no one even knows if all the PIP breast implants needs to be removed. Some countries say only women with symptoms should have their PIP implants removed- others like Venezuela and Holland say all women should have these implants removed. Best advice- speak to a plastic surgeon in America. 

I am 100% sure, you will be out of lots of money at the end of all this. Plastic surgeons in the USA will make up some bogus story that you need the implants out. They will then charge you for removal and if you want new silicone implants, you will have to fork out extra. This is usually what happens when you seek healthcare or surgery outside the country-you get ripped out by both sides.

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