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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Deviated septum

I have a deviated nasal septum. Is surgery always necessary?
No, surgery is not always necessary. Men usually tolerate nasal septum deviation better than women. Women will make up all kinds of symptoms just so that they can have surgery on the nose. The primary reason why people undergo surgery on the nose is cosmesis.
In a few cases, the deviated nasal septum will cause obstruction of the nasal passage, nosebleeds and sinus infections. Pain is rare just from a nasal septum deviation. 
My advice is that if it does not bother you and you have no symptoms, leave it alone. Surgery to correct the septum can be done but recurrence is not unheard off. Finally do remember that if you have any disease like allergic rhinitis or polyps or hay fever, you can rest assured, none of these will disappear after surgery. So be realistic. IF you are going to get the deviated septum just for cosmetic reasons, be prepared to pay several thousand dollars.

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